Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin



February 8th, 2022

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a scheduled monthly meeting of the Village Board was held on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022.

Village President Shane Trott presided and called to order the meeting at the Village Hall facility at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Mark Zimmer, Jim Johnson, Kim Grasley, Loren Beebe and Galen Brainerd. Jessica Hayes attended also.


Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Grasley to approve the January 3rd, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes, carried.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Grasley to approve the January 5th, 2022 Caucus Minutes, carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to approve the Treasurer’s report as given, carried.

EMPLOYEE’S REPORT: Casey Gudis reported that the Village has issued a run water notice to all residents. There is about six feet of frost in the streets and all temperatures being read in the meters is running around thirty-three to thirty-five degrees. There has been only one freeze up so far to date. The one water line freeze up needs the water line repaired as it freezes every year. Gudis is waiting to hear back with a quote and will report to the Board at a later date as to what that is and will schedule the dig in the spring.
Gudis also reported that when the pilot test is installed for the new filtration system, an iron color meter will be needed. He obtained a quote for approximately $600.00. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Beebe to approve the purchase of the iron color meter for approximately $600.00, carried.
Lastly, Gudis reported that a portion of the cemetery fence, approximately forty feet long, had been damaged by a snowmobile and needs to be replaced. He received a quote from Affordable Fencing, LLC in the amount of $1,425.00 to do the work. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to approve the work at whatever cost it would be when the work is completed in the spring, carried.  
Air Compressor Purchase:
Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to remove the ‘Air Compressor Purchase’ issue from the agenda, carried.

Conditional Use Permit Request Approval:
A conditional use permit was submitted from Mark Charron for a partial rezoning request for a piece of property that he is trying to purchase. His original offer was not accepted so a request to put off the permit until the next meeting was requested. Motion by Grasley, seconded by Brainerd to table the ‘Conditional Use Permit Request Approval’ until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.  

Temporary Class ‘B’ License Bruce Snowmobile Club:
Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Grasley to approve a Temporary Class ‘B’ License to the Bruce Snowmobile Club for a fundraising event that will be held at the Bruce Fire Hall on February 19th, 2022, carried.
Operator’s Licenses:
Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to approve an operator’s license to Mark J. Campbell, carried.
Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Grasley to approve an operator’s license to Jessa R. Campbell, carried.



Discussion and Action Regarding Corrective Work on Village Wells: Larry Gotham from Morgan & Parmley attended the meeting to give the Board an update on the project. There is currently two plan approvals submitted to the DNR. One for a continuous chlorination request and one for the pilot plant study. As soon as approval is received from the DNR, the two projects can move forward.
The DNR is requiring on Well #3 that a reduced pressure zone back flow preventer be installed. There is already one installed on Well #1. This is a device that would block any water from going back in to the well. The reason for this would be while back washing, the high iron manganese water would be blocked from running back in to the filtered water. This would need to be installed by a license plumber. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Brainerd to authorize Gudis to find a licensed plumber to do the work, carried. The Board asked that even if the cost was a little higher, their preference would be to stay with a local plumber.
Lastly, Gotham stated that since the North Main Street Project CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) portion of the project is now completed and closeout paperwork received, the Village can now submit an application with CDBG for this project. Motion by Grasley, seconded by Beebe to move forward with the CDBG application for the project, carried. The application is due by May 12th, 2022.
Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to table the ‘Discussion and Action Regarding Corrective Work on Village Wells’ issue until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Morgan & Parmley Invoice Payment Approval: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to approve an invoice in the amount of $17,132.44 for engineering services on the Corrective Work on Village Wells, carried. The invoice covers work performed from June 1st, 2021 through January 31st, 2022.
Sewer Rate Increase: Nothing new to report this month. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to table the “Sewer Rate Increase’ issue until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.

Public Works:

Veteran’s Memorial Park Site: Shane reported that the Village will now start accepting applications for the murals for the Veteran’s Memorial Park Site. Trott also reported that a park grant was received from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities to be used for parks and recreation. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Grasley to use the grant received from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities for the Veteran’s Memorial Park Site, carried. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to table the ‘Veteran’s Memorial Park Site’ issue until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.

North Main Street Reconstruction Project:
There is no further work planned until spring of 2022 for the project, at which time all outstanding punch list items will be completed. New estimated ship date of the generator is scheduled for June 2nd, 2022. No other updates at this time. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to table the ‘North Main Street Reconstruction Project Discussion’ item until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meetings, carried.
Morgan & Parmley Invoice Payment Approval:
Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Beebe to approve an invoice in the amount of $5,961.25 for engineering services on the North Main Street Reconstruction Project, carried. The invoice covers work performed from December 1st, 2021 through January 31st, 2022.

Adoption of Ordinance Title 2 Chapter 2 Section 2(c) – Board Trustee Attendance Standard:
Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to Approve the adoption of Ordinance Title 2 Chapter 2 Section 2(c) – Board Trustee Attendance Standard, carried. A full text of the Ordinance can be obtained at the Village Hall.

Rusk County Sheriff’s Department Contract Discussion & Action:
The Board had made an offer to the Sherriff’s Department but the offer was not accepted. The Board would like to set an additional committee meeting with the Sherriff’s Department to discuss further. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to table the ‘Rusk County Sheriff’s Department Contract Discussion & Action’ item until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Ambulance Garage Building Discussion & Action:
Nothing new to report at this time. An additional meeting will be scheduled for the 15th of February. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to table the ‘Ambulance Garage Building Discussion & Action’ item until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Plow Truck Purchase Discussion & Action:
Nothing new to report at this time.Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Brainerd to table the ‘Plow Truck Purchase Discussion & Action’ item until the March, 2022 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to pay vouchers and electronic payments totaling $249,221.33, carried.

February 19th, 2022 – Bruce Snowmobile Club Brat Feed:
Located at the Fire Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to adjourn, carried. Adjournment was at 7:44 p.m.

Jessica Hayes