Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin

Village of Bruce


Monday, March 7th, 2022

6:30 PM


A Public Hearing was held at the Bruce Village Hall on Monday, March 7th, 2022. Village President Shane Trott presided and called the public hearing to order at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were Loren Beebe, Kim Grasley, Mark Zimmer, Galen Brainerd. Clerk/Treasurer Jessica Hayes and Engineer Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley, Ltd. attended the meeting also.  A sign in sheet was circulated.

Administrator of the CDBG grant application, Amy Kelsey from Cooper Engineering, attended the hearing and gave a brief overview of the Community Block Grant program. The CDBG-PF grant is a financing tool for local units of government to undertake needed infrastructure and public building projects.  The program supports public investment that contributes to the overall community and economic development.  The CDBG-PF program is federally funded, and is administered by the Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources within the Department of Administration.

The primary purpose of the CDBG program is the development of viable communities through the provision of decent affordable housing, a suitable living environment, and the expansion of economic opportunities, and address deficiencies affecting local public infrastructure and public service amenities, principally for the benefit of persons of low and moderate income.

To be eligible, the project beneficiaries must meet at least one of the following National Objectives:  51 percent LMI Benefit, Slum and Blight Removal, or Urgent Local Need as determined by the 2011-2015 American Community Survey census data.  The Village of Bruce has an LMI rating of 69.81% community-wide and the project was determined to benefit the whole community.

The maximum CDBG grant award is up to $1,000,000 of the construction costs with a match requirement of $1 Village funds for every $2 of CDBG money spent. $10,000,000 is currently available in the program for the whole state of Wisconsin.

The proposed project would include a water filtration system to provide clean drinking water to the residents of Bruce along with blacktop resurfacing after project construction.

The floor was then open to public comments and questions regarding the grant and project. 

With no comments from the public, Trott called for a motion to adjourn.

Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Beebe to adjourn, carried.  The public hearing adjourned at 7:07 p.m.