Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin



August 30th, 2021

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a scheduled Special meeting of the Village Board was held on Monday, August 30th, 2021.

Village President Shane Trott presided and called to order the meeting at the Village Hall facility at 12:00 p.m. Board members present were Galen Brainerd, Loren Beebe, Kim Grasley, Jim Johnson and Mark Zimmer. Clerk/Treasurer Jessica Hayes attended as well. Trustee Rob Grabon was absent.

Liquor License:
  Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Grasley to approve a Class ‘B’ Combo Liquor and Beer License to JB & SM Enterprises, LLC, Sandra J. Murray, agent, d/b/a Hot Shots, effective September 1st, 2021, carried.

Coin Machine License: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to approve a coin machine license to JB & SM Enterprises, LLC, Sandra J. Murray, agent, d/b/a Hot Shots, effective September 1st, 2021, carried.

Cigarette License: Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Beebe to approve a cigarette license to JB & SM Enterprises, LLC, Sandra J. Murray, agent, d/b/a Hot Shots, effective September 1st, 2021, carried.

Operator’s License: 
Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to approve an operator’s license for Sandra J. Murray, effective immediately, carried.

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Grasley to adjourn, carried.  Adjournment was at 12:02 p.m.

Dated this 30th day of August, 2021

Jessica Hayes