Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the 2016 Village of Bruce Caucus was held on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, at the Village Hall.

Village President Michael Newman called to order the Caucus at 5:00 p.m.

Newman called for nominations for two tellers to canvass votes for the Caucus.  Motion by Jim Doke to nominate Jim Moore as teller, seconded by Mark Zimmer.  Motion by Jim Doke to nominate Bobbi Jo Fillion as teller, seconded by Gayanne Skogen.

Newman read the posting which included the following positions which terms expire April 19th, 2016.  The Spring Election will be held on April 5, 2016.

Newman called for nominations from the floor for Village Trustees.

Motion by Jim Doke to nominate Shane Trott for Village Trustee, seconded by Bobbi Jo Fillion.

Motion by Gayanne Skogen to nominate Mark Zimmer for Village Trustee, seconded by Bobbi Jo Fillion.

Motion by Mark Zimmer to nominate Gayanne Skogen for Village Trustee, seconded by Jim Doke.

Newman called twice for further nominations.  With none made, he called for a motion to close nominations.  Motion by Jim Doke to close nominations for Village Trustees, seconded by Bobbi Jo Fillion.

Newman read the list of nominations for Village Trustees; Shane Trott, Mark Zimmer and Gayanne Skogen.

Motion by Bobbi Jo Fillion to adjourn, seconded by Shane Trott.

The Caucus adjourned at 5:06 p.m.

Terry Hegeholz