Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin


                                             BOARD MEETING MINUTES
                                                  November 7, 2016

 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a scheduled monthly meeting of the Village Board was held on Monday, November 7, 2016.

Village President Mike Newman presided and called to order the meeting at the Village Hall facility at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Mark Zimmer, Shane Trott, Jim Doke, Bobbi Jo Fillion, Gayanne Skogen and Jim Moore. Both Clerks attended also.

Motion by Trott, seconded by Fillion to approve the Agenda, carried.

Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to dispense of the reading and approve the minutes of the October 3, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to approve the Treasurer’s report as given, carried.

EMPLOYEE’S REPORT: Darlene Wundrow attended the meeting and reported the drainage ditch work is complete at the Village Park. Crack filling and tarring of manholes is being done.  The workers are still mowing grass. Darlene invited John Huiras to the meeting to offer suggestions on moving forward with plans for a potential new Village Shop.  He offered to come up with a site plan and floor plan to include wants and needs for the building.  He would charge approximately $48.00 per hour estimating a cost of $1,900.00.  Once a preliminary plan is developed it can be taken to an architect to develop them.  The Board discussed the estimated cost of the building at about $300,000.00.  The project plan will be developed through the winter months and possible bidding in the Spring of 2017.



APPLICATIONS: Operator’s License:  Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve a regular operator’s license for Elizabeth K. Maynard, carried.
Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve a regular operator’s license for Tiffinay K. Bishop, carried.

Building Permit: Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve a building permit for Robert Lorkowski to make repairs and remodel his commercial building at 714 N. Main Street, carried.

Bow Hunting Permit: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve a bow hunting permit for Walter Swada to hunt deer with a bow on Village owned property, carried.


Public Works:
Potential New Village Shop:  Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to table the “Potential New Village Shop” issue until the December, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Chippewa Avenue Blacktop Replacement-LRIP Funding Project: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve tabling the “Chippewa Avenue Blacktop Replacement LRIP Funding Project” issue until the December, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Public Welfare:
Drainage Ditch at Village Park: Darlene Wundrow reported the work is completed on the drainage ditch replacement. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve removing the “Drainage Ditch at Village Park” issue from the Agenda, carried.

Pine Trees in Village Park: Wundrow reported the tree planting work has been completed and reimbursement paperwork has been submitted through the Urban Forestry Grant. Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to table the “Pine Trees in Village Park” issue until the December, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Softball Field-Extend Fence: No new information to report. Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve removing the “Softball Field-Extend Fence” issue from the Agenda, carried.

Public Hearing November 7, 2016, 6:30 p.m.-Proposed 2017 Budget: Newman reported the Public Hearing for the proposed 2017 Budget was held prior to the November 7th Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Review, Discussion & Approval of 2017 Budget: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve the Village of Bruce 2017 Budget of $389,706.00, carried.

Set Levy, Including Approval of All Internal & Unresolved Matters: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve setting the Levy at $63,265.00 and approving all internal & unresolved matters, carried.

Industrial Site:
Committee Meeting October 27, 2016 Report: A Committee meeting was held on October 27th to discuss the potential sale of a small parcel of wetland which lies at the west end of the Village’s Industrial Park.  Work is being done to determine a description of the land.

Update Ordinances: A Committee Meeting will be scheduled in November to review Ordinances.  Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to table the “Update Ordinances” issue until the December, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Shop With a Cop/Christmas for Kids Donation Request: Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to approve donating $50.00 to the “Shop with a Cop/Christmas for Kids Program”, carried.

Kiwanis Park Pavilion Addition-Donation Request: Jim Doke spoke on behalf of the Bruce Kiwanis and asked the Board to consider a donation to the Kiwanis to help pay for the open air addition they are having built onto the Large Pavilion at the Village Park.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve donating $900.00 to the Bruce Kiwanis to help pay for the open air addition being built onto the Large Pavilion at the Village Park, carried.  The money will be dispersed in 2017.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Trott, seconded by Fillion to pay vouchers and electronic tax payments totaling $93,742.17, carried.

General Election-November 8, 2016: Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.  Village residents may vote at the Village Hall, 100 W. River Avenue, Bruce, WI  54819.

Christmas in Bruce-Saturday, December 10, 2016. The annual Christmas in Bruce celebration will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016.  Free soup and beverages will be served at the Village Hall and horse drawn wagon rides will be given.  The Bruce Area Library will have children’s games & entertainment and a visit from Santa.  The Bruce American Legion Auxiliary will hold a Pie & Ice Cream Social at the Legion Hall. “Blue Hills Chorale” and the “Rusk County Community Singers” will perform.  The Bruce Blue Hills Lions Club is planning a Craft Show at the Bruce Fire Hall.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to adjourn, carried.  Adjournment was at 7:50 p.m.

Terry Hegeholz