Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin


Monday, April 3rd, 2023

6:30 p.m., at Bruce Village Hall

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, a Public Hearing will be held at the above time and place.


Brief Description
The Water Filtration Project, Water Treatment Plant, which entails a new transmission main connecting Well #3 to the water treatment plant at Well #1, street reconstruction, curb, gutter, sidewalk, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, and connections.

Open Floor

Determination and Finalization of Special Assessments:
The assessments for the 2012 North Main Street Phase I Project were: $30.00/ lineal foot for sewer and $35.00/lineal foot for water.  These 2012 numbers were adjusted upward for inflation to $46.77 per foot for water and to $40.09 per foot for sewer for the 2021 Phase II project. Likewise adjusting these numbers upwards for inflation using the WI DOT Fisher Construction Cost Index multiplier from the first quarter of 2012 to the last quarter of 2022 is a multiplier of 1.649.  Therefore, the per foot assessment cost for sewer and water will be adjusted upwards as follows:

•           Water: $35.00 x 1.649 = $57.71 per foot for water

•           Sewer: $30.00 x 1.649 = $49.47 per foot for sewer


AGENDA DRAFTED BY-Jessica Hayes, Clerk/Treasurer; Shane Trott, Village President.

Dated this March 31st, 2023