Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin



May 15th, 2023

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a scheduled monthly meeting of the Village Board was held on Monday, May 15th, 2023.

Village President Shane Trott presided and called to order the meeting at the Village Hall facility at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Galen Brainerd, Darlene Wundrow, Jim Johnson and Mark Zimmer. Clerk/Treasurer Jessica Hayes attended also. Kim Grasley was absent.


NEW BUSINESS: Appointment of Village Resident to fill Vacant Village Trustee Position:
Trott reported that there is currently a vacant Trustee seat available after Loren Beebe moved out of the Village. Tim Dolan had approached Trott and expressed his interest in joining the Board. Trott is recommending appointing Tim Dolan as Village Trustee. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Wundrow to appoint Tim Dolan as Village of Bruce Trustee on the Board, carried.
Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to approve the April 3rd, 2023 Public Hearing Minutes, carried.
Motion by Wundrow, seconded by Zimmer to approve the April 3rd, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes, carried.
Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to approve the April 11th, 2023 Special Board Meeting Minutes, carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Brainerd to approve the Treasurer’s report as given, carried.

EMPLOYEE’S REPORT: Casey Gudis attended the meeting to report to the Board that hydrant flushing was done at the end of April.
The five year DNR required inspection was completed on the sewer plant. Everything went good and the Village should be good for another five years.
The crew has been busy mowing and getting the park cleaned up after the winter storm. Gudis wanted to make sure and thank the Bruce School teachers & students and also Jerry Johnson for all their hard work helping out.
Tree Removal at Village Shop for Filtration Project Approval: The pine trees on the east side of the Village Shop need to be removed per the requirements from the DNR. Gudis received two quotes to cut the trees down with clean up removal. One from Tree Ape and one from Keystone. Tree Ape’s bid came in at $2,475.00 and Keystone’s bid came in at $1,688.00. Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to approve the bid to Keystone in the amount of $1,688.00, carried. The stumps will be removed during the project.
Tree Removal in Cemetery Approval:
Gudis received two quotes for the removal of the three trees at the cemetery. This would be for cutting the trees down and complete clean up. One was received from Tree Ape $2,974.00 and Keystone $3,800.00. He also received quotes from them both for just cutting down the trees and the crew would do the cleanup. Tree Ape was $1,260.00 and Keystone was $1,800.00. Motion by Wundrow, seconded by Zimmer to approve the bid from Tree Ape of $1,260.00 to down the trees and the crew do the cleanup, carried.
Handicap Parking Request @ 930 N. Main St:
A request was submitted to the Board from the resident at 930 N. Main St. to have a handicap parking space painted in front of her house. This would also possibly help with the congestion at the school when buses are being loaded. The school has mentioned to Gudis about alternatives to possibly help with this issue. To avoid any conflicts with the Village painting a handicap spot for a private resident, the Board discussed having the curb painted red so many feet back from the water hydrant. The Board asked Hayes to contact Kauffman & Son to come back, per their contract in 2021, to repaint the stripes and curbs in town and to paint red for the curbs located in front of any fire hydrants.

Lastly, Gudis reported that the stump at the Veteran’s mural location needs to be removed. Keystone submitted a quote for $125.00. Motion By Zimmer, seconded by Wundrow to have Keystone remove the stump at the mural site for $125.00, carried.

Bruce Blue Hills Lion’s Club-Festival Donation Request:
Discussion was had on the use of the park by the Lion’s Club for their annual festival weekend. The Village has never charged for the park use to cover costs of utilities, supplies and the extra charge for the additional dumpster. The club charges vendors for electric hook-up and the Village pays the bill. The Village has historically donated $1,000 – $1,5000 towards the event. After some discussion, the Board decided that since the Village covers all the additional costs for the festival including utilities, supplies and dumpsters, and does not charge the club for renting of the park for the weekend or for any reimbursement of the expenses, that they would not be donating to the event this year. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Brainerd to deny the Bruce Blue Hills Lion’s Club donation request and to consider the costs incurred by the Village as their donation, and if the park is sprayed for mosquitos, this would not be paid for by the Village, carried. 
Bruce Area Girl Scouts Day Camp Donation Request:
Motion by Wundrow, seconded by Zimmer to donate $25.00 to the Girls Scouts Day Camp event, carried.
Building Permit: Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to approve a building permit to Michelle Czyscon to re-roof the garage at her house located at 908 N. Alvey Street, carried.

Committee Meeting May 11th, 2023 Report/Minutes:
A committee meeting was held on May 11th to discuss the Garbage Contract, Sewer Rate Increase and to review the Village’s User Charge Ordinance. Below are the minutes from that meeting:
Sewer Rate Increase & Review of Rate Study:
The committee reviewed the sewer rate study provided by Clifton Larson Allen. Their recommended increase is 9%. The last increase increase  was in 2013 at 142%.
The committee is recommending the 9% increase per Clifton Larson Allen’s rate study.
The committee is also recommending reviewing the rates annually with a minimum 1% increase at the first of every year.
Review of User Charge System:
The Village’s user charge system ordinance needs reviewed. The committee is recommending looking at neighboring municipalities to see how their ordinance reads and then reviewing at a later time.
Garbage Contract Discussion:
The Board has mentioned interest in starting our own garbage service instead of contracting with a company. Our current contract with Republic Services expires January 1st, 2025. The committee is recommending talking with Ladysmith as they have their own garbage services in house. Also, speaking with Weyerhaeuser to see what they use for services.
The committee needs to look in to the disposal fees from Waste Management.
Garbage Contract Discussion:
The Village is looking in to the idea of starting their own garbage service for the Village. There are two years left on the current contract with Republic Services, with a 4% increase annually. Nothing further to report at this time. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to table the ‘Garbage Contract Discussion’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Sewer Rate Increase:
A rate study was performed by the Village’s auditors, Clifton Larson Allen. The rate study indicated that a 9% increase to the sewer base rates as well as volume charges would be sufficient to cover the sewers annual expenses. The last sewer rate increase was done back in 2013 and at that time, a 142% increase was approved. Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Zimmer to approve an increase of 10% effective on 10/1/2023 and to annually increase the rates at 1%, carried.  Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to remove the item from the agenda, carried.
Sewer Main Replacement on East Arthur /S. Main St.: Morgan & Parmley are currently working on the mapping for the project. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to table the ‘Sewer Main Replacement on East Arthur /S. Main St.’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Public Works:
Committee Meeting 4/24/23 Report/Minutes:
A committee meeting was held on April 24th to meet with Derrick Ewald about his Eagle Scout project he is planning on completing for the Veteran’s mural. Below are the minutes from that meeting:
– Derrick may have a contact to install the lights for the sign. The committee would like to get some photos of options for lighting.
– We need to get electricity to the site. Committee is asking Casey Gudis to contact Xcel Energy.
– We will talk with Scot Gudis on grinding the stump left over from the tree that was taken down.
– Derrick showed his plans for the benches that will be built. There will be 2 to 3 benches that will be placed on cement slabs and they will be constructed out of treated or possibly composite, depending on budget. The committee mentioned to Ewald that we might have some funds in our budget to help with these costs. Ewald is meeting with the Legion on May 4th to talk about installing of the flag poles/flags
– The committee is recommending putting mulch around the base of the mural instead of rock due to safety concerns.
– McGee & Trott will look for corner posts on the lot for the next mural.

Veteran’s Memorial Park Site: Keystone will be grinding the stump for $125.00, as soon as his schedule will allow. Gudis will work on getting in contact with Xcel Energy for the underground electric to the site. Gudis also mentioned the idea of possibly having the second location to be installed at the park instead of the Highway 8 property. Moving the location to the park would entail less work/money to clear the site and also ease of access to view the mural. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Brainerd to send the item back to a committee meeting to discuss the project further, carried. A meeting will be scheduled for later this month to continue discussion on the item. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Wundrow to table the ‘Veteran’s Memorial Park Site’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.

North Main Street Reconstruction Project:

Morgan & Parmley, Ltd. – Invoice Payment Approval: The final invoice for the project was submitted by Morgan & Parmley, Ltd. in the amount of $15,727.50. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Wundrow to approve paying the invoice, carried. The final invoice was approximately $60,000.00 under the original budget for engineering and grant services.

After the final invoice was submitted from Morgan & Parmley, the project is officially complete. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to remove the item from the agenda, carried.  

Water Filtration Project – Corrective Work on Village Wells & River Avenue:

                   -DISCUSSION & ACTION-
The project is on schedule to begin the first week of July and should be completed before the end of the year. Nothing further to report at this time. Motion by Wundrow, seconded by Johnson to table the ‘Water Filtration Project-Corrective Work on Village Wells and River Avenue’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.



Foley & Lardner, LLP – Invoice Payment Approval:
An invoice in the amount of $17,000.00 was submitted from Foley & Larder, LLP for bond counsel services for the filtration project. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Brainerd to approve paying the invoice, carried.
Committee Meeting 5/11/23 Report/Minutes:
A committee meeting was held on May 11th, 2023 to discuss parcel #’s 106-00359-0000 assessment for the water filtration project and also to determine how the Village wants to proceed with how they will assess for the water line extension on River Avenue. Below are the minutes from that meeting:
The committee discussed the assessments on the sewer line replacement that runs in front of parcel #106-00359-0000 on River Avenue, James Kahl’s property. The original assessment was based off of the current water filtration project, however, the sewer line was replaced in the fall of 2022, before the construction of the current project, at a cost of $37,500.00
Morgan & Parmley supplied the committee with a couple options of how to proceed with the assessments. One option was to remove Kahl from the original assessment for sewer and just charge for the water assessment.
The second option would be to remove Kahl from the original assessment for sewer, keeping the water, but then to have a complete separate project assessment sheet calculated for the properties that are affected by the sewer line that was installed prior to the project at the actual costs of that project. This would affect 6 additional properties, including Kahl, but only for the sewer portion, no water assessment.
If the Board decides to go this route, being that it is a Village project, and not a CDBG project, a low income survey would not be sent or eligible for residents. If approved by the Board, a public hearing notice would be sent to residents and a hearing would be scheduled.

The other issue that was discussed with the committee was the extension of the water line on River Avenue, approximately 150ft. This was asked to be added to the project so the entire line on River, from Blackburn to Daily, would be all new water & sewer. If the plans are approved by the DNR, the committee recommends assessing the 2 properties affected per project guidelines and current project pricing, ($57.71 per foot for water). Two properties would be added to the assessment list. April Schmidt and Larry Bates.
Per CDBG guidelines, and since this would be part of the current filtration project, an income survey would need to be sent to the property owners. A public hearing notice would be sent to the residents and a hearing would be scheduled.
Determination of Assessment on Parcel #106-00359-0000:
To keep consistent with all past and future projects, the Village will amend the original assessment tabulation, take parcel #106-00359-0000 off of the original project assessments, and to have a new project tabulation for assessments made up by Morgan & Parmley for the sewer line replacement that was done back in October of 2022 for $37,500.00 and to include all parcels affected by that project. This would include five additional parcels, 106-00360-0000, 106-00361-0000, 106-00343-0000, 106-00333-0000 & 106-00341-0000. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Wundrow to approve amending the original assessment tabulation, take parcel #106-00359-0000 off of the original project assessments, and to have a new project tabulation for assessments made up by Morgan & Parmley for the sewer line replacement that was done back in October of 2022 for $37,500.00 and to include all parcels affected by that project, carried. The price per foot is $34.47 and does not include the costs to repave the area. A Public Hearing will be scheduled at a later date and all residents affected will be notified by certified mail. Since this project is not part of the CDBG funded water filtration project, a low-income survey will not be sent to residents.
Determination of Assessments for Water Line Extension on River Avenue:
The Village requested to have an additional 150 feet of water main put in on River Avenue for the project. With this being an older line, and with the street already being dug up, this will avoid having to dig up that portion of line in the future. That section of road will now have all new water and sewer lines installed. This would entail having additional assessments for two properties, only for water. The original assessment tabulation would need to be amended to add these two parcels on the tabulation sheet. Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to amend the original assessment tabulation for assessments and to add parcel #106-00360-0000 and #106-00341-0000 to the tabulation sheet, carried. A Public Hearing will be scheduled at a later date and all residents affected will be notified by certified mail.
Since this amendment is made on the CDBG funded project, a low-income survey will be sent to the two parcels affected.

Public Welfare:
Committee Meeting 4/26/23 Report/Minutes:
A committee meeting was held on April 26th, 2023 to discuss the park concession stand item. Jake Johnson, Bruce Youth Ball President, attended the meeting as well. Below are the minutes from that meeting:
*  The committee is recommending moving where the current damaged dugout is located, to the north, and to attach it to the pavilion.
*  The committee recommends having all the locks changed on the buildings (concession stand/dugout storage building)
*  Recommends charging $125 for a day game and $225 for a night game
*  Need to work on getting an approximate cost to the school so they can budget for the item. Jake will look over the proposed contract and advise of any changes.
*** The committee recommends drawing up a contract for youth/summer ball – Have the contract ready for approval at the next Board Meeting
Bruce youth ball should have first rights to the field, for instance, over Tony Hayshakers
Bruce Park Concession Stand Discussion:
Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to approve the committee’s recommendations from the April 26th, 2023 committee meeting, carried. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Johnson to table the ‘Bruce Park Concession Stand Discussion’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting, carried.
Park Dugout Update & Possible Relocation:
The dugout at the park needs to be replaced after being collapsed by the heavy snow over the winter. The original estimate from Northland Construction Services, Adam Frisinger, to rebuild the damaged dugout at the park came in at $12,350.00. This would include rebuilding the dugout in the original location, replacing the damaged fence and demo/debris removal. He submitted an additional quote with everything included in the first bid but with the additional charge for the relocation of the dugout, including pouring a new slab, at $22,270.00. The reason for wanting to relocate is to prevent the snow from the pavilion roof falling on the roof and collapsing the dugout again in the future.Motion by Johnson, seconded by Brainerd to accept the bid from Northland Construction Services in the amount of $22,270.00 and to relocate the dugout to the north, carried. The backstop at the Bruce park baseball field needs to be replaced as well. It was damaged from the winter storm. Gudis was asked to contact Affordable Fencing for a quote.
Gudis mentioned that the other dugout at the park will need to be updated soon as well. Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Zimmer to table the ‘Park Dugout & Possible Relocation’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Approval of contract between Bruce School & the Village on Park Use: The contract is not ready to be signed for approval at this time. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to table the ’Approval of contract between Bruce School & the Village on Park Use’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Bid Opening & Award for Logs at Village Park:
Several downed trees from the winter storm were logged at the park. An advertisement for bids was posted. Two sealed bids were received. One from Al Gauthier for $200.00 and one from Roger Hicks for $75.00. Motion by Wundrow, seconded by Dolan to award the bid to Al Gauthier for $200.00, carried.

Committee Meeting 5/10/23 Report/Minutes: A committee meeting was held on May 10th, 2023 to discuss the maintenance position hire. The committee had previously interviewed John Runstrom, Josh Kopras & Kyle Gartska back in April. At that time the Board approved to offer John Runstrom the job with Josh Kopras as a the next in line for the position. Runstrom turned down the offer as he was worried it would interfere with him eventually starting his own business. In the mean-time, Josh Kopras had already accepted a position at a different business.
Gudis had spoke with Runstrom and he would still be interested in the position but possibly with less hours. The committee would like to schedule an additional meeting with Runstrom to discuss further.
Maintenance Position Hire:
Nothing further to discuss at this time. Motion by Brainerd, seconded by Johnson to table the ‘Maintenance Position Hire’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Building Inspector Hire:
The Village does not currently have a Building Inspector since the previous one retired. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to have Galen Brainerd as the new Village of Bruce Building Inspector, carried.
Property Assessor Hire:
The current Village Assessor’s contract is up in July of 2024. At that time, she plans to retire her contract with the Village. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to have Hayes talk with other Townships to see if their current assessors would be interested in taking on the Village and to also get quotes from their assessors, and to table the ‘Property Assessor Hire’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.

Rusk County Sheriff’s Department Contract Discussion & Action:
Nothing new to report this month. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to table the ‘Rusk County Sheriff’s Department Contract Discussion & Action’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Committee Meeting 4-5-23 Report:
A committee meeting was held on April 5th, 2023 to discuss the Ambulance Garage Building. The Village funds all utilities for the building and receives very little in donations from surrounding Townships to help with those costs. Alicia Valentine of Hawkins stated that they incur approximately $1,200 annually. Bruce is approximately $3,000.
Village and Townships are legally responsible to provide ambulance services to their Municipality/Township.
Bruce & Hawkins would like to schedule a meeting with Tom Hall to discuss the County contributing towards the costs for utilities that the Townships and Bruce incur. Sheldon is not interested.
Ambulance Garage Building Discussion & Action:
Nothing new to report this month. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Brainerd to table the ‘Ambulance Garage Building Discussion & Action’ item until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.
Discussion & Action on Delinquent Bill from Village Owned Property Damage:
Back in February of 2022, a resident of Bruce crashed their snowmobile in to the cemetery fence, resulting in a $1,425.00 expense to the Village to repair. After numerous attempts to get the individual to reimburse the Village for the damages, the Board is looking in to options on recouping their money from the individual. The resident rents a property in town so tacking on the expense on their taxes is not feasible. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Brainerd to add a 1% interest penalty for every month the bill was delinquent, look in to garnishing the individuals’ wages if possible, and to table the ‘Discussion & Action on Delinquent Bill from Village Owned Property Damage’ issue until the June, 2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, carried.  

Review 2022 TID #2 Annual Report:
Trott reported that TID #2 still has a balance as of December 31st, 2022 of $49,685.00.
Appointment of Trustees for 2023-2024 Committees:
Trott recommends the following for the 2023-2024 Committee Recommendations:
Public Safety – Dolan, Grasley
Utility – Wundrow, Johnson
Public Works – Brainerd, Wundrow
Public Welfare – Dolan, Brainerd
Administration- Zimmer, Brainerd
Finance – Grasley, Johnson
Industrial Park – Zimmer, Grasley
Library Board Representative – Wundrow
Fire Department Representatives – Johnson, Wundrow
Interim President – Zimmer
Voucher Signers – Zimmer, Grasley
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Zimmer to approve the recommendations, carried.
Chippewa Valley Bank – Designation of Signers:
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Brainerd to have President Shane Trott, Interim Village President Mark Zimmer and Clerk/Treasurer Jessica Hayes as authorized bank signers at Chippewa Valley Bank, carried.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Brainerd to pay vouchers and electronic payments totaling $175,078.14, carried.

Village Wide Spring Clean-Up: May 19th & 20th, 2023. The collection site will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you are unable to haul your own refuse either of those days, pick up service is available May 22nd, 2023 for a fee.
2023 Board of Review – Monday, May 22nd, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Village Wide Garage Sales: June 10th, 2023
Cruise Nights-Classic Auto Collision Center has set the calendar for Cruise Night in the parking lot at 705 N. Main Street in Bruce, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. May 16th, June 20th, July 18th & August 15th.
Saturday July 8th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will be the annual Open House/Craft/Car Show. Contact Classic Auto Collision Center at 715-868-CARS or for more details.

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Brainerd to adjourn, carried. Adjournment was at 8:35 p.m.

Jessica Hayes